Scholarship Search
- Category Search - Scholarships are assigned categories by your schools. This option allows you to identify and search the categories that you feel are most relevant to you.
- Keyword(s) Search - Your school may assign a keyword to a scholarship. This option allows you to search that keyword field.
- Description and Name Search - You can simply search the description or name of scholarships to see if they contain words that you might deem suitable (e.g. Biology).
Scholarships (85)
Albert & Doree Abramson Scholarship
Application Criteria:
- Student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester units
- Must have at least 2.0 GPA
- Must be a fulltime student at LACC
- Must be a Business major
Angel Lopez Scholarship
Anthony & Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation Guardian Scholars Scholarship
Minimum requirements:
Must be a full-time student (9 units minimum) at LACC and between the ages of 16 to 24
Must have completed a minimum of 6 semester units toward their educational goal (vocational certificate, AA degree or transfer) at LACC or comparable institution
Must be a member in good standing of the LACC Guardian Scholars Program
Must have at least 2.0 GPA
Demonstrate financial need by attaching either the FAFSA EFC form or award letter from LACC Financial Aid
Must meet with an academic advisor and be recommended by the GSP Program Director and Assistant Program Director
ASG Community Service Scholarship
Purpose: The ASG Community Service Scholarship recognizes students who have made an outstanding effort to serve the community. All completed applications are the property of the LACC Foundation.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be a current full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- A copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment is required
- An unofficial transcript
- Must have completed a minimum of 12 degree-applicable units at LACC
- Must have a GPA of 3.0 or above
- Must be a student intent on transferring to a four-year college/university
- Must be a member of ASG
- Demonstrated community service (must attach letters of recommendation from two organizations, either on or off-campus, and include contact name and phone number)
NOTE: Not available to current ASG senate members
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay (approximately 500 words) indicating types of community service and populations served. Community service is an important aspect of our connection to society. By serving our communities, we learn about the values of the people around us, as well as about ourselves. Applicants should address how his/her involvement in community service has made a difference on LACC's campus and/or in the community. All entries must be completed.
ASG Leadership Scholarship
Purpose: The ASG Leadership Scholarship recognizes students who have made an outstanding effort to lead and inspire other students. All completed applications are the property of the LACC Foundation.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be a current full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- A copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment is required
- An unofficial transcript
- Must have completed a minimum of 12 degree-applicable units at LACC
- Must have a GPA of 3.0 or above
- Must be a student intent on transferring to a four-year college/university
- Must be a member of ASG
- Demonstrated leadership and involvement in the school
NOTE: Not available to current ASG senate members
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay (approximately 500 words) indicating leadership with ASG and other leadership positions at LACC. Applicants should address how his/her involvement in ASG leadership has made a difference on LACC's campus. All entries must be completed.
Asian Heritage Scholarship
Purpose: To support students of Asian heritage or those who support or advocate for students of Asian heritage (including those of Chinese, Japanese, Malaysian, Singaporean, Thai, Cambodian, Burmese, Indonesian, Laotian, Nepalese, Mongolian, Sri Lankan, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Pacific Islander, Bangladeshi or Indian descent.
Criteria for Applying:
- Minimum 3.5 GPA
- Full time student (12 units) at LACC
- Completion of at 24 degree-applicable units at LACC but no more than 60 units
- Completion of a minimum of three (3) units in Asian Language and Culture (Chinese, Japanese or Korean)
- Must be a transfer student to a four-year college or university
Requirements: An unofficial transcript and a copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment is required, as well as two (2) faculty references. In addition, candidates must complete all entries and submit a color passport-size photo attached to a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”. A one-page, typed self-profile (approximately 500 words) describing the candidate's background, interests, goals and need for an award must be attached to the application.
Brian Newkirk and Loren Ostrow Theatre Arts Scholarship
CAOT Retired Faculty Scholarship
Purpose: To help a needy student succeed
Criteria For Applying:
- Must have completed a minimum of 24 units toward a CAOT certificate or AA Degree
- Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all classes completed at LACC
- Must write an essay; two-page maximum
- Unofficial transcript
Requirements: An unofficial transcript must be attached to this application. All information must be filled out and a color, passport-sized photo attached to an essay of no more than two pages that includes educational and career goals. Please also state “My photograph may be used for reproduction” and include your signature.
Carter V. Rabinoff Scholarship Spring
Charles J. Cramer Scholarship
Purpose: This scholarship is designed to support LACC students in their pursuit of higher education.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be a full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- Must have completed a minimum of 24 degree-applicable units and not more than 75 degree-applicable units
- Must have a GPA of 2.75 or above
- Must be CA Resident
- Two letters of recommendation from LACC faculty members
- Must submit The Expected Family Contribution form from the FAFSA or the Financial Aid Award Letter from LACC's Financial Aid Office
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript from each school attended as well as a copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment must be uploaded to this application and all entries must be completed. Candidates must provide letters of recommendation from two (2) LACC faculty members. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction.”
Cillpam Family Endowment
Community Justice Foundation Veterans Scholarship
Minimum requirements:
1. Must be a CA Resident
2. Must have at least 2.0 GPA
3. Must be a veteran student (9 units minimum for spring)
4. Must have verified veteran status. Application must include a copy of the DD214 member #4 with Honorable Discharge status
5. Degree-applicable units may not exceed 75
An unofficial transcript, a copy of the current registration, and a copy of the Financial Aid award letter must be uploaded to the application
Constitution State Health Sciences Scholarship
Purpose: To assist students who are interested in pursuing a career in the healthcare field.
Criteria for Applying:
- Completion of 24 units at LACC, but not more than 75 units
- A full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- At least a 3.5 GPA in all units completed at LACC
- Students must be on track to transfer to a four-year college or university
- Strong preference given to students majoring in life sciences
- Must be a California resident
Requirements to Apply: Candidates must complete self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for an award. An unofficial transcript, a copy of the applicant's current registration and at least one (1) letter of reference from a faculty member are required and must be attached to this application. All entries must be completed. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Darrold Stogsdill Scholarship Fund One
3.0 GPA
Full-time Student (12 units minimum at LACC)
Theatre Arts Major - 2nd year student
Essay is required
Darrold Stogsdill Scholarship Fund Two
This scholarship is to be awarded to a second year Theatre Arts Academy student at LACC. The student needs to write an essay on the reasons why he/she is applying for this scholarship. The award is to be based on achievement and/or need. The funds are to be used by each recipient for tuition and/or books.
3.0 GPA
Full-time student (12 units minimum at LACC)
Theatre Arts Major - 2nd Year
Essay is required
De León – Girau Memorial Scholarship
Criteria for Applying:
- Must have a GPA of 2.5 or above
- Must be a current full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- Must be a Music major
- Must have completed a minimum of 12 degree-applicable units and no more than 75 degree-applicable units at LACC
- Must be a student who is preparing to transfer to a four-year college or university
- Must complete a self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship
- Unofficial transcripts and a copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment
Douglas Blasdell Outreach Scholarship
Purpose: The Douglas Blasdell Outreach awards will be given based upon a combination of financial need and potential for success and is available to LGBTQ students or straight allies.
Criteria for Applying:
- LGBTQ or straight-allied
- Applicant must be a California resident
- Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA for all units completed at LACC
- Must be a full-time student at LACC (minimum 12 units)
- Must have completed at least 24 degree-applicable units and no more than 75 units
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating how she/he identifies with LGBTQ, background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and a copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment must be included with the application and all entries must be completed. Candidates must provide letters of recommendation from two (2) faculty members. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Dr. Anatoliy Nikolaychuk Endowment Fund
- To honor Dr. Anatoliy Nikolaychuk for his outstanding career as a Math Professor at Los Angeles City College from his arrival at LACC in fall 2000, until his death on June 6, 2019, both for his teaching math courses and for his establishing the LACC Math Club and leading the LACC Math Team to many victories in the annual American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) National Math Competition from 2001 through 2019
- To provide Dr. Anatoliy Nikolaychuk Awards each semester. To recruit outstanding graduating high school math students to enroll at LACC; and to provide financial assistance for outstanding LACC math students who have completed their first year at LACC and will enter their second year at LACC in the coming fall semester
- To encourage friends and alumni of the LACC Math Department to consider donating to the Dr. Anatoliy Nikolaychuk Endowment Fund and/or establishing and donating to similar endowment funds at the LACC Foundation to benefit LACC math students and the LACC Math Department.
Required criteria to be considered for a student to be eligible to receive a Dr. Anatoliy Nikolaychuk Award include:
- Incoming full-time first-year LACC student of a student who has completed his or her first year at LACC and who will be continuing at LACC as a second-year full-time LACC student.
- As a first priority, the student intends to become or is a Math major, or as a second priotiy, the student is, intends to become, or is a STEM major.
- The student applies for the Award on the appropriate LACC Foundation form directly to the LACC Foundation.
- The student has a high GPA
- The student has participated in the LACC Annual High School Math Day Contest and/or in the LACC Math Club/Math Team
- The student has successfully tutored other students in Math at LACC
Dr. Ronald F. Levant Scholarship - Spring
Edward J. Lawler Scholarship
High School Candidates must be a graduate of Central High School (Los Angeles, CA). The recipient of this scholarship will receive a $500.00 general scholarship plus $350 (voucher) for textbooks after he/she submits proof of enrollment to the LACC Foundation. (fall 2023)
Eleanor Hillger Nursing Scholarship
To assist a graduating student in the Nursing Dept. who has economic need and achieved academic success. The scholarship will be used to pay for the student’s NCLEX exam and will be awarded at the spring scholarship ceremony.
Criteria For Applying:
Applicant must be a California resident, must be a nursing major, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, be a full time nursing student at LACC (minimum 9 units per semester), 33 minimum semester units, 60 maximum semester units, needs to write an essay and demonstrate financial need.
Other qualifications: Economically disadvantaged
About Eleanor Hillger
Eleanor Hillger 1917 – 2003: “Live life with no regrets”. That was Ellie Hillger’s motto.
She lived life to the fullest by being enthusiastic and adventurous, surpassing all standards of excellence with her commitments, exploring the out-of-doors, living life without judgment and being there for others.
Ellie, one of four sisters, was born on a farm in the very, very small town of Buckfield, Maine. She began her education in a one-room, red schoolhouse – elementary through high school – and then attended Bates College in Lewiston, ME. Ellie continued living an adventurous life during subsequent years while practicing her profession of Occupational Therapy. She then accepted a five-year teaching career at USC.
At 40 years of age, she enthusiastically took on a new commitment. Ellie married artist/philosopher, Mel Hillger, settled in the Hollywood Hills, and was the best mom to their only daughter, Bonnie. It was also during this time that Ellie attained her Masters Degree from USC
Ellie then selected another adventure: a teaching career in Occupational Therapy Department at L.A.C.C. from 1971 – 1985. The position required her to not only educate her students (with integrity) in the classroom, but to ready them for their clinical internships as well. Finally, she traveled throughout the county to visit and evaluate each one of them in their clinical positions.
As with everything else she has done in life, Ellie committed herself wholeheartedly.
Ellie Hillger encourages all of us to “Live with no regrets.” She did. Bravo!
Emma Eisenberg Scholarship
Evelyn (Evie) Hoffman Scholarship
Criteria for Applying:
- A 3.0 GPA of all units completed at LACC
- Completion of at least 24 units at LACC, of which 12 units are transfer credits
- A full-time student (12 units minimum)
- Must be a California resident
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating their background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and a a copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment must be uploaded to the application and all entries must be completed. In addition, candidates must submit two (2) faculty reference letters and a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Excel Scholarship for President's Scholars
Purpose: The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize an outstanding President’s Scholar who has maintained his/her eligibility requirements during his/her studies at LACC and who will transfer to a four-year college or university in the fall.
Criteria for Applying:
- Have a cumulative 3.5 GPA
- Must be a transfer student to a four-year university or college and present proof of acceptance
- Essay is required (approximately 500 words) describing the candidate's background, interests, goals and need for an award
- Two letters of recommendation from LACC Faculty
Other Requirements: Strong preference given to applicants who have not only excelled academically but have shared their expertise with others and have given back to the college through some type of service learning. This could include participation in student government, tutoring or some other activity that enhances the classroom experience.
An unofficial transcript and a copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment must be uploaded to the application. In addition, candidates must complete all entries and submit a color passport-size photo.
Friends of Lockwood Elementary Scholarship
- Must have attended Lockwood Elementary or currently have a student attending Lockwood
- 500 word essay
Golden Globe Foundation Fellowship - Cinema/TV
The purpose of this fellowship is to provide support to LACC Cinema and TV students who can demonstrate financial need. The award will be granted based on need and qualifications and will be awarded for at the end of the spring semester.
Minimum requirements:
- Candidates must be currently enrolled in a minimum of six (6) units in LACC Cinema/TV Department
- Candidates must have completed a minimum of 12 units of LACC Cinema/TV program prerequisites
- Candidates must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5
- Candidates will have demonstrated financial need based on current or projected income as compared to expenses during their enrollment
- Candidates must submit a one-page, typed essay that will describe their goals for their cinema or television career, what led them to choose cinema or television as their major, and their financial needs
- Candidates must include their LACC Student I. D. and Social Security* numbers (*except international students) to complete the application
- Candidates must include a copy of their unofficial transcripts, current registration, and two current letters of recommendation from LACC Cinema/TV faculty members with their applications
- Student must submit either the Expected Family Contribution Form from the FAFSA or the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office
- Candidate applications will be reviewed by the LACCF Scholarship Committee and the finalists reviewed by the Foundation Executive Director before the final selection is made
Golden Globe Foundation Journalism Fellowships
HFPA Fellowships will be awarded to journalism transfer students, or students who are pursuing a degree/certificate in journalism or photojournalism. The program seeks to identify individuals who are underrepresented in the field of journalism and to support their efforts in order to increase their participation in newsrooms. The goal is to assist promising students from diverse backgrounds who demonstrate financial need and face economic challenges, as well as those who might be at risk of leaving the program due to economic barriers; or international students who bring a different point of view and voice to their work. The program will also engage high school journalism students from Los Angeles Unified School District and from the Dual Enrollment Program who aspire to careers in journalism.
The HFPA Fellowships will help students cover tuition, books, and vocational supplies or other critical needs. The LACC Foundation will adhere to the following guidelines to distribute the HFPA Fellowships: HFPA Fellowship Disbursement
HFPA Journalism Fellowships criteria:
- Candidates must be enrolled in a minimum of five (5) units in LACC journalism courses. This may include a combination of audit as well as credit courses.
- Candidates must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 at LACC or a previous institution.
- Candidates will have demonstrated financial need based on current or projected income as compared to expenses during their enrollment
- Candidates must submit a one-page, typed essay that will describe their aspirations for a professional career in print or broadcast journalism or photojournalism, and a section that describes what led them to pursue a career in the field.
- Candidates must include their LACC Student I. D. and Social Security numbers (*except international/undocumented students) to complete the application
- Candidates must include a copy of their unofficial transcripts, current registration, and one (1) letter of recommendation from a faculty member with their applications
- Candidate applications will be reviewed by a committee from the Journalism Scholarship Committee. The finalists will be reviewed by the Foundation Executive Director before the final selection is made
- Upon award, student will submit a Thank You letter addressed to the HFPA
Hieronymus Foundation Scholarship
Examples: Foster Youth, First College Generation Students, etc.
Minimum Requirements:
2.5 GPA at LACC
Current LACC Student - 9 Units minimum
Degree-applicable units may not exceed 75
Hollywood Chamber of Commerce/LACC Foundation Book Award
Purpose: This is a Textbook Voucher. The recipient of this book award will receive a Textbook Voucher in the amount of $250.00 which is good for either Summer 2024 or/and Fall 2024.
Criteria for applying:
- Must have completed a minimum of 12 semester units at LACC
- Must have at least 2.5 GPA
- Must be a full-time student at LACC (minimum 12 units)
- Must be a California resident
Requirement: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating their background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and
a copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment must be uploaded to the application and all entries must be completed. Applicants must submit either the expected Family contribution form from the FAFSA and the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Hyun Family Scholarship
This scholarship is to help students that shall impact the future of the City of Los Angeles for the better.
Jay Allen Green Memorial Scholarship
OSS Program.
Jeanne and Lew X. Lansworth Scholarship - Spring
Jerry and Carol Goldsmith Music Scholarship
Purpose: To acknowledge outstanding music major students who perform in the instrumental, vocal or keyboard disciplines
Criteria for Applying:
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Full-time student status at LACC (minimum 10 units per semester)
- At least 12 units completed at LACC
- Must be on track to transfer to a four-year school
- Must be enrolled in performance classes at the time of application
Must have completed at least one semester as a music major at LACC
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating their background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and
a copy of current class schedule (with Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment must be uploaded to the application and all entries must be completed. Candidates must provide letters of recommendation from two (2) faculty members in the music department. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Johnny Grant Scholarship
Purpose: This scholarship provides deserving LACC students with assistance for continuing their educations.
Criteria for Applying:
- Student must have completed a minimum of nine (9) semester units
- Must have a minimum 2.0 GPA
- Must be a California resident
- Must demonstrate financial need submitting either the Expected Family Contribution Form from the FAFSA or the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office.
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating their background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and a copy of the student's current class schedule (Admissions Stamp) must be uploaded to the application and all entries must be completed. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
June and Paul Klein Scholarship
Scholarship qualifications:
2.5 GPA
Full-Time student (12 units minimum)
No more than 75 units completed
Pre-Law/Paralegal Major
Transfer student
Essay required
Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Scholarship - Spring
3.0 Minimum GPA
Full-Time Student (12 Units Minimum) at LACC
No more than 75 units completed at LACC
One letter of recommendation (LACC Faculty member)
LACC Foundation Allied Health Sciences Scholarship
Purpose: To assist students in the Nursing Department, Radiology Technology Department, and Dental Technology Department complete their educations.
Criteria for Applying:
- Applicant must be a California resident
- Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Must be a full-time student at LACC (minimum 12 units)
- Must demonstrate financial need submitting either the Expected Family Contribution Form from the FAFSA or the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office
- Students must be verified as participants in either the nursing, radiologic technology or dental technology programs; students taking prerequisites will not be considered
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating their background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and a copy of the student's current class schedule (Admissions Stamp) must be uploaded to the application and all entries must be completed. Candidates must provide letters of recommendation from two (2) faculty members. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
LACC Foundation Foster Youth Scholarship
Purpose: The purpose of this scholarship is to provide support to LACC students who are current or former foster youth and can demonstrate financial need.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 units at LACC
- Applicant must be a California resident
- Have a minimum 2.5 GPA\
- Must have completed a minimum of 12 semester units at LACC
- Demonstrate financial need by submitting either the Expected Family Contribution Form from the FAFSA or the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office.
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating their background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and a copy of the student's current class schedule (Admissions Stamp) must be uploaded to the application and all entries must be completed. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
LACC Foundation Honors Scholarship
Purpose: This scholarship was created by the LACC Foundation to provide support for exceptional students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, and involvement in the school and/or community.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be a current full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- Must have completed a minimum of 24 degree-applicable units and no more than 75 degree-applicable units at LACC
- Must have a GPA of 3.5 or above
- Must be CA Resident
- Demonstrated leadership and involvement in the school and/or community
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and a copy of the student's current class schedule (Admissions Stamp) must be uploaded to the application and all entries must be completed. Candidates must provide letters of recommendation from two (2) faculty members. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
LACC Foundation Latino(a)/Hispanic Heritage Honors Scholarship
Purpose: This scholarship was created by the LACC Foundation to provide support for students of Latino(a) or Hispanic heritage or those students who support Latino/a or Hispanic students. Candidates must demonstrate academic excellence and involvement in the school and/or community.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be a current full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- A copy of current class schedule (Admissions Stamp) as proof of enrollment is required
- Must have completed a minimum of 24 degree-applicable units and no more than 75 degree-applicable units at LACC
- Must have a GPA of 3.0 or above
- Must be CA Resident
- Demonstrated leadership and involvement in the school and/or community
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship; strong preference for students who demonstrate a commitment to transferring to a four-year college or university. An unofficial transcript must be uploaded to the application and all entries must be completed. Candidates must provide letters of recommendation from two (2) faculty members and proof of school or community involvement. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
LACC Foundation Retraining the Unemployed Scholarship
Purpose: The award will be given based on financial need and is intended for unemployed workers receiving unemployment benefits.
Criteria for Applying:
- Applicant must be unemployed
- Proof of unemployment must be submitted
- Must be a California resident
- Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA
- Must be enrolled as a full-time student at LACC (minimum 12 units per semester)
- New LACC students without an established GPA must be full-time students (minimum 12 units per semester)
- Proof of enrollment is a requirement
- Proof of unemployment must be submitted
Requirements: Candidates must complete a one-page, 500-word essay with regard to student's goals and plans to achieve those goals, school and/or community involvement, and statement of need. A copy of candidate's unofficial transcript, a copy of current class schedule (Admissions Stamp) and a current passport-sized photo and a signed statement, "My photo may be used for reproduction". ”. Candidates must also provide letters of reference from two (2) faculty members.
LACCF Veterans Scholarship
Purpose: This scholarship provides financial assistance to student veterans who have demonstrated some form of campus leadership, a commitment to helping others, and community or civic involvement.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must have completed a minimum of nine (9) semester units
- Must have a GPA of 2.5 or above
- Must have verified veteran status; application must include a copy of the DD214 member #4 with Honorable Discharge status
- Demonstrated campus leadership, civic involvement, commitment to helping others, etc.
Requirements: Candidates mustcomplete a one-page, typed self-profile essay (approximately 500 words) indicating background, interests, educational and career goals. An unofficial transcript and copy of the current registration must be attached to this application and all entries must be completed. Candidates may also detail any mention, honors, distinctions, and accomplishments earned while serving on active duty
LACCF/KP Rad Tech Award
Minimum Requirements:
- Student must be in the Radiologic Technology program
- Full-Time student at LACC
- Minimum 3.0 GPA in all units completed at LACC
- LACC Unofficial Transcript
- Written essay describing the candidate’s interest and goals in the Rad Tech profession as well as the importance of receiving this award.
- Two (2) letters of recommendation (LACC Rad Tech faculty member/Clinical).
- United States Citizen/Legal Permanent Resident
Leonard J. and JoAnn S. Roth Nursing Scholarship
Leone Yunkes Scholarship
Ruth Yunkes was an instructor in the English Department at Los Angeles City College who died of cancer July 31, 1986. She established the Leone Yunkes Scholarship as a memorial to her father and mother. In addition to her love for her parents, she wanted to help students who were physically challenged due to a verified visual disability (blindness).
Louise Snyder Johnson Fitzgerald Scholarship
Purpose: To help students succeed at a two-year college
Criteria for Applying:
- Completion of at least 24 units at LACC
- A minimum 3.2 GPA in all units completed at LACC
- A fulltime student (12 units minimum)
- Students must submit either the Expected Family Contribution Form from the FAFSA or the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office.
- Must be a California resident
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and a copy of the student's current class schedule (Admissions Stamp) must be uploaded to the application and all entries must be completed. Candidates must provide letters of recommendation from two (2) faculty members. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Louise Snyder Re-Entry Scholarship for Women
Purpose: To help female (including but not limited) students in need of financial assistance as they re-enter the educational system to continue their educations.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must have at least 12 units completed at LACC but not more than 90 units
- Must have at least a 3.0 GPA in all units completed at LACC
- Must be a full-time LACC student (12 units minimum)
- Must be a California resident
- Must be between the ages of 25 and 55
- Completion of not more than 90 units of college courses
- Submit either the Expected Family Contribution Form from the FAFSA or the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating their background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. An unofficial transcript and a copy of the student's current registration must be attached to the application and all entries must be completed. In addition, candidates must submit two faculty recommendation letters and a color passport-sized photo and a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Lucille Schwartz and Sydelle Ward Scholarship
Purpose: To assist full-time students in the Honors Program and/or students committed to a career in teaching.
Criteria for Applying:
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Full-time student at LACC (minimum 12 units per semester)
- Minimum of 24 and maximum of 75 degree-applicable semester units completed
- Transferring to a four-year university or college
- Must be CA Resident
Requirements: Must complete a self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship; strong preference for students who demonstrate a commitment to a career in teaching. In addition, candidates must submit two (2) letters of recommendation from faculty members. A color passport-sized photo is required along with the signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Margaret Tew Christy Scholarship
- Must be majoring in one of the Business Administration disciplines and college transcript must show satisfactory progress in completing the requirements of that major.
- Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
- Must have completed at least 25 units at LACC within the last three (3) years
- Must have completed and/or be presently enrolled in at least 12 units of Business Administration Department courses
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units at LACC
- Must demostrate financial need
- Must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident
Marilou and Mark Hamill Family Scholarship - Spring
Marta K. Ruano & Sterling C. Franklin Endowed Scholarship - Spring
Martha K. and George H. Manos Scholarship - Spring
(a) incoming freshmen and/or continuing students at LACC that have graduated from either John Marshall High School in Los Angeles, George Schurr High School in Montebello, CA or Montebello High School in Montebello, CA, and
b) are first generation U. S. citizens of two immigrant parents.
In addition, a student's financial need may be considered.
Marvin Hoffman CSIT Scholarship
Purpose: Thiis scholarship was created for students who demonstrate excellence in computer science and infomation technology.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be a CSIT major
- Must be a full-time LACC student
- At least 12 units completed at LACC
- At least four (4) units of CSIT completed
- Currently enrolled in at least four (4) CSIT units
- At least 3.5 GPA, including current semester’s work
Requirements: An unofficial transcript and a copy of current semester registration must be attached to this application, as well as two faculty references. In addition, candidates must complete all entries and submit a passport-size color photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”. A self-profile (approximately 500 words) including educational and career goals, interests and need for an award is also required.
Mennes Theatre Academy Scholarship
Purpose: The purpose of this fellowship is to provide support to LACC Theatre Academy students who can demonstrate financial need. The award will be granted based on need and talent in any one or more of the theater disciplines and will be awarded for the spring semester.
Criteria to Apply:
- Candidates must be approved student members of the LACC Theatre Academy
- Candidates must demonstrate financial need:
- Candidates must submit either the Expected Family Contribution Form from the FAFSA or the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office
- Candidates must submit a one-page, typed essay describing their financial need, career goals and what led them to choose theatre as their major
- Candidates must include their LACC Student ID and Social Security numbers to complete the application
- Candidates must include a copy of their unofficial transcripts and current registration
Requirements: Students must secure a Theatre Academy faculty endorsement and a signature from the Department Chair Signature. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction.”
Milton Lipschutz Scholarship
Purpose: To help minority students and students new to the United States gain an understanding of computers.
Criteria For Applying:
- U.S. Citizen or permanent resident with a green card
- Minimum 3.2 GPA
- Intention to major in CSIT with a college transcript showing satisfactory progress in completing the requirements of that major
- Current enrollment in 12 units of classes, three units of which should be in CSIT at LACC; a maximum of two units of Learning Skills and Library Media classes can be used to fulfill the requirement
- Completion of at least 25 units of courses at LACC, five units of which should be in CSIT
Requirements: An unofficial transcript and a copy of current semester registration must be attached to this application, as well as two faculty references. In addition, candidates must complete all entries and submit a passport- size color photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”. A one-page, typed self-profile (approximately 500 words) including educational and career goals, interests and need for an award is also required.
Milton Valera and Debbie Thaw Endowed Scholarship – Guardian Scholars Transfer Students
NOTE: Student must provide proof of submitted transfer application fees to the Foundation office by emailing it to Jessica Duran at duranj@lacitycollege.edu
Minimum requirements:
1. Must be a Transfer Student (transfer applications fall 2024)
2. Preferably Full-time student or (9 units minimum) at LACC
3. Must have completed a minimum of 24 units at LACC
4. Must have at least 2.5 GPA
5. Must be a Foster Youth - Participating in the Guardian Scholar Program at LACC
6. Essay is required
7. Proof of submitted transfer application fees must be attached to this application
You must submit a one-page typed essay describing your most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your field of study and your future goals, how has your education contributed to who you are today. How has your family background affected the way you see the world? Why are you a good candidate to receive this scholarship?
An unofficial transcript, a copy of the student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the FAFSA or the award summary from the Student Information System (SIS) and proof of submitted transfer application fees must be attached to this application.
Moon Collins Ealy Vega Scholarship
Purpose: To assist students in the Social Science Department complete their educations.
Criteria for Applying:
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Full-time student at LACC (minimum 12 units)
- Must be a Social Science major
- Completion of not more than 90 units
- Transferring to a four-year university or college
- Faculty & community letters of recommendation
Requirements: An unofficial transcript and a copy of current registration must be attached to this application, plus all entries must be completed. Candidates must submit a one-page, typed self-profile (approximately 500 words) that includes educational and career goals and attach a color passport-sized photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”. Candidates must also provide letters of reference from two (2) faculty members and/or one (1) letter of recommendation from a community organization.
Morgan-Strauss Nursing Scholarship
Applicant must be a Nursing Major, have a minimum 3.5 GPA, be a half-time or full-time student at LACC (minimum 6 units per semester), transfer student and submit a 100 word description of candidate’s interest and goals in nursing.
Nathan Eisen Computer Technology Scholarship
National Notary Foundation Scholarship
Purpose: To provide fees toward tuition, and/or books for exceptional students; preference given to foster youth and/or Journalism students.
Criteria for Applying:
- Student must demonstrate academic merit and financial need
- The student must be a full-time student (12 units per semester) at LACC
- Candidates must be U.S. citizens and CA residents
- He/she must demonstrate leadership, a diversity of extracurricular activities and community involvement
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Minimum 24 units but no more than 75 units
Requirements: Candidates must complete a one-page, 500-word essay with regard to student's goals and plans to achieve those goals, school and/or community involvement, and statement of need. Also required are two (2) letters of recommendation from faculty members, one copy of candidate's unofficial transcript, a copy of the candidate's current registration, and a current passport-sized photo and a signed statement, "My photo may be used for reproduction".
Recipients must agree to provide the following information to the NNF no later than three months after receipt of the scholarship: a brief sketch of his/her background, personal and academic interests, plans and aspirations for the future.
Nick Beck Journalism Scholarship
Minimum requirements:
1. Must have at least 3.0 GPA
2. Must be enrolled in 6 units minimum at LACC
3. Journalism Major
4. One letter of recommendation from Journalism Faculty
5. Essay Required - (350 words minimum) about the responsibility of a Journalist.
Opportunity Endowed Scholarship
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to those students who are the first in their families to attend college
Application Criteria:
- Student must have completed a minimum of nine (9) semester units
- Must have at least 2.0 GPA
- Must be a California resident
- Demonstrate financial need
- Complete application and a one-page, typed self-profile
Requirements: An unofficial transcript and a copy of current semester registration must be attached to this application. In addition, candidates must complete all entries and submit a passport-size color photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”. A self-profile (approximately 500 words) including educational and career goals, interests and need for an award is also required.
President Mary P. Gallagher Endowment Fund - President's Scholars
3.75 GPA (incoming) then maintain a 3.5 GPA
Full-Time LACC student (12 units minimum)
President's Scholars Program
Ralph Bunche Program Honors Scholarship
Purpose: The Ralph Bunche Program Honors Scholarship supports students who participate in the program and are dedicated to pursing a rigorous academic program and excelling in their fields of study.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be a member of the Ralph Bunche Scholars Program (RBSP)
- Must be a current full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- A copy of current registration as proof of enrollment is required
- Must have completed a minimum of 24 degree-applicable units and no more than 75 degree-applicable units at LACC
- Must have a GPA of 3.3 or above
- Must be a student who is preparing to transfer to a four-year college or university
- Must be CA Resident
- Demonstrated leadership and involvement in the school and/or community
Requirements: Candidates must complete a self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for a scholarship. Students must demonstrate a commitment to transferring to a four-year college or university. An unofficial transcript and a copy of current registration must be attached to this application and all entries must be completed. Candidates must provide letters of recommendation from two (2) faculty members associated with the RBSP and proof of school or community involvement. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction.”
Reaching for Equality Award
full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
At least 3.0 GPA in all units completed at LACC
Completion of not more than 80 units of college work
Essay required
Recommendation letters
Renee D. Martinez Legacy Endowment Fund - STEM for Spring
Richard A. Gross Scholarship
Student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester units; must have at least 2.0 GPA; full-time student (12 units minimum) at LACC. Demonstrate financial need.
Richard Hoff Scholarship
Minimum requirements:
Must have a GPA of 3.0 or above
A copy of current class schedule as proof of enrollment is required
An unofficial transcript must be attached to this application
Must have completed a minimum of 12 degree-applicable units at LACC
Essay is required (requirements listed below)
(2) Letters of recommendation from faculty (professor) and/or an outside organization
Color passport-sized photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”
Essay requirements:
Must submit a one-page, typed personal essay (approximately 500 words) that includes(a) your educational and career goals
(b) how you learned to value and respect people according to who they are and not for what they have
(c) how you are involved in the area of social justice
(d) and how you find fulfillment in community organizations, teaching, mentoring, social work and/or other careers.
Rosalie S. Levine Memorial Scholarship
Rose Snyder Accounting Scholarship
Criteria for Applying:
- U.S. Citizen or permanent resident with a green card
- Must be majoring in Accounting
- At least 5 units of Accounting
- Current enrollment in 12 units of classes at LACC, three of which should be in Accounting
- Successful completion of at least 25 units of transfer courses within the last three years
- At least a 3.0 GPA
Requirement: A short essay including background
Rosemary Lawler Scholarship
High School Candidates must be a graduate of Central High School (Los Angeles, CA). The recipient of this scholarship will receive a $500.00 general scholarship plus $350 (voucher) for textbooks after he/she submits proof of enrollment to the LACC Foundation. (fall 2023)
SAI (Spanish American Institute Scholarship)
Purpose: This scholarship was created by the SAI (Spanish American Institute) and is available to any LACC student who meets the criteria listed below.
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be a full-time student at (minimum of 12 semester units)
- Must have completed a minimum of 12 degree-applicable units and no more than 75 degree-applicable units at LACC
- Must have a GPA of 2.5 or above
- Must be CA Resident
- Hispanic as defined by the Federal Register: "Directive 15: Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting" that defined a Hispanic to be "a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race" (p. 19269). Or, students who support or advocate for Hispanic students.
- Lives in Southern California between San Diego and San Luis Obispo
- Attending or will attend an accredited community college, college or university or vocational program in the next academic school year
- Completes the Los Angeles City College Foundation application process
- A willingness to interact with SAI as a scholarship recipient
Requirements: Candidates must complete a one-page, typed self-profile essay on background, interests, goals, and need for award, and indicate how he/she identifies with the Hispanic culture or the ways he/she supports or advocates for those of Hispanic descent. An unofficial transcript, a copy of the applicant's current registration and two (2) faculty recommendations are required and must be attached to this application. All entries must be completed. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and sign a statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Simmie Lewis Sanders Scholarship
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to deserving African-American students at LACC or students who support or advocate for African-American students; Simmie Lewis Sanders was an alumnus of Los Angeles City College.
Criteria for Applying:
- Students must be of African-American heritage or be in support of, or advocate for, African-American students
- Students must have completed at least 24 or but not more that 85 'degree-applicable' semester units
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Must be a current full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- Must be a CA resident
Requirements: Candidates must complete a one-page, typed self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for an award. An unofficial transcript, a copy of the applicant's current registration and two (2) faculty recommendations are required and must be attached to this application. All entries must be completed. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and sign a statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Sophia J. Kim Korean Studies Award
Criteria for Applying:
- Must be a full-time student at (minimum of 12 semester units)
- Must have completed a minimum of 20 degree-applicable units and no more than 60 degree-applicable units at LACC
- Must have a GPA of 3.0 or above
- Must be CA Resident
- Must have a major in Korean with the goal of earning an AA in that discipline and transferring to a four-year institution to earn a BA in Korean
- Candidates must complete a one-page, typed self-profile essay (500 words) indicating background, interests, goals, and need for an award
- An unofficial transcript and copy of current semester registration must be attached to this application and all entries must be completed. In addition, candidates must submit a color passport-sized photo and signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
Stein Josephs Scholarship
Purpose: To help a deserving student continue his/her education.
- Applicant must be a California resident
- Have a minimum 2.5 GPA
- Must have completed at least 24 degree-applicable units
- Completion of English 28, 31, or 101 with a grade of “C” or better
- Submission of either the Expected Family Contribution Form from the FAFSA or the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office
Requirements: An unofficial transcript and a copy of current class schedule (Admissions Stamp) must be uploaded to this application, as well as two (2) faculty references. In addition, candidates must complete all entries and submit a color passport-size photo attached to a signed statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”. A one-page, typed self-profile (approximately 500 words) describing the candidate's background, the reason he/she selected a major and how he/she plans to reach the stated goals is also required.
The LB Award for International Acting Students
Scholarship qualifications:
3.5 GPA
Major: Acting
Full-Time student (12 units minimum)
The Robert Schwartz and Alan Daniels Endowment Fund
a.) to honor Robert Schwartz for his ten years of outstanding service as the Executive Director of the Los Angeles City College Foundation where he raised millions of dollars for LACC, and to honor the memory of Alan Daniels;
b.) to provide Robert Schwartz and Alan Daniels Awards each semester for Guardian Scholars students at LACC; and
c.) to encourage friends and alumni of LACC to consider donating to the Robert Schwartz and Alan Daniels Endowment Fund and/or establishing and donating to similar endowment funds at the LACC Foundation.
The Saint Cloud's Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Student must be attending Los Angeles City College. Preference will be given to a woman student or to any student who supports women.
2. Student must demonstrate financial need.
3. Student must demonstrate promise and ability in their chosen area of study with at least a 2.5 GPA.
4. Academic Transcript
5. Letter of recommendation from a professional
The Seung Y. Hong Award
Scholarship qualifications:
3.0 GPA
Full-Time student (12 units)
Transfer student
Personal Statement
Tommy Rhines Award
The purpose of this award is to help a disadvantaged first generation college student whose major is Administration of Justice, Law, or Police Science. To attract and encourage students who otherwise do not qualify for regular scholarship funds. To offset the cost of attending LACC and/or transfer to a CS/SSU school.
Minimum requirements:
- Student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester units
- Must have at least 3.0 GPA
- Must be a fulltime student at LACC
- Must be a first generation college student
- Must be a Administrative Justice, Law, or Police Science major
- Must have completed no more than 60 units at LACC
- Must be a transfer student
An unofficial transcript must be attached to this application as well as two faculty references, plus you must complete all entries and submit a color passport sized photo attached to a one page typed self-profile (approximately 500 words) including your educational and career goals.
Tony Valdez Scholarship for Veterans
Criteria For Applying:
- Applicant must be a California resident
- Have a minimum 2.5 GPA
- Full-time student at LACC or (9 units minimum)
- 500 word essay
- Must have completed a minimum of 24 degree-applicable units and no more than 80 degree-applicable units at LACC
Wayne Smith Business Scholarship
William Henry Snyder Scholarship
Purpose: To provide deserving LACC students with assistance for continuing their educations.
Criteria for Applying:?
- Completion of 24 units at LACC, at least half of which are in general education transfer courses
- A full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
- At least a 3.6 GPA in all units completed at LACC
- Completion of not more than 90 units of college credit
- Have yet to reach 40 years of age
- Must be a California resident
- Student must submit either the Expected Family Contribution Form from the FAFSA or the award letter from LACC’s Financial Aid Office.
Award Amount: Varies ($500 - $1,000)
Requirements to Apply: Candidates must complete a one-page, typed self-profile essay indicating background, interests, goals, and need for an award. An unofficial transcript and a copy of the applicant's current registration are required and must be attached to the application. All entries must be completed. In addition, candidates must submit two faculty references and a color passport-sized photo and sign a statement, “My photograph may be used for reproduction”.
William K. McConnell, Jr. Scholarship - Spring
Scholarship Requirements:
Minimum GPA: 3.0
Full-time student at LACC (12 units minimum)
Essay is required
William Yunkes Scholarship
* Highest GPA
* Completed a minimum of 12 semester units at LACC
* A verified physical disability on file with the DSPS Office
* A brief statement of the degree and duration of the
Student’s disability